
Redgum Firewood Shelf Life: How Long Can They Last in a Shed?

June 22, 2023

Maximize your firewood storage. Learn about the shelf life of Redgum firewood in sheds and ensure a long-lasting supply for cozy nights by the fire.

One effective strategy for decreasing your dependency on natural gas is building up a redgum firewood supply. Yet, it is essential to understand how long a piece of Redgum firewood lasts before it deterioratesdue to exposure to elements such as moisture, heat, and insects, rendering it worthless. The amount of time that Redgum firewood will remain usable after being stored in a shed depends on several circumstances, and having a grasp of these elements will allow you to make the most of your wood supply for the longest time.

Continue reading to learn the most effective methods for preserving and fostering the growth of your Redgum firewood supply.

Find Out What Kind Of Firewood You Have

Like any other type of firewood, Redgum firewood has a limited shelf life and can deteriorate over time. However, the shelf life of redgum firewood can be extended by storing it correctly.

When stored in a shed, the shelf life of redgum firewood can vary depending on several factors, such as moisture content, temperature, and humidity levels. If the firewood has been stored correctly and has a moisture content of around 20%, it can last up to two years in a shed. However, if the moisture content is higher, it can result in mould growth and rot, reducing the shelf life significantly.

The characteristics of a piece of wood that affect how effectively it burns include the amount of moisture present, the kind of tannin present, the number of nutrients present, the size of the wood, and the amount of ash present. Several factors can impact this, but the moisture content of the wood is by far the most important. When there is a greater amount of moisture present, the lifespan of the wood is often shortened. While storing firewood in a shed, it is necessary to be aware of the sort of firewood being stored because there are several varieties, and each has its characteristics that will assist in establishing how the firewood should be kept.

Dry Storage Area

The most important advice is to keep it away from any water. Redgum Firewood that has been allowed to become overly damp will rot and decompose much quicker than wood that has been allowed to dry out. It would help if you kept your Redgum firewood in a dry storage area with a temperature no higher than 40 degrees Celsius. This will aid in shielding it from the weather and ensure it remains in good condition over time. If you reside in an area that experiences a lot of moisture, you should probably give your wood supply some additional protection. When wood is exposed to high humidity levels, particularly redgum firewood stored outside, it can get excessively damp. You could also consider storing your redgum wood in an enclosed, secure space indoors. In any other case, you should store your wood in a shady area outside a garage or shed.

Temperature And The Humidity

Even if the Redgum firewood you have is damp, the relative humidity of firewood should ideally be about 10%. If your wood is yellowing, decaying, or cracking, it may indicateit is either too dry or damp. If you keep the wood indoors, you may rehydrate it by placing it in a bucket of water or a small tub filled with water. This works best if you keep the wood inside.

Important Tip for Longer Redgum Firewood Shelf Life

Storing the redgum firewood in a dry and well-ventilated shed that protects it from rain and snow is crucial to ensure it lasts longer. The shed should also be free from pests that can damage the firewood. Storing the firewood off the ground and stacked in a way that allows for proper airflow can also help prevent mould growth and rot.It is also important to note that the age of the redgum tree when harvested, can affect the shelf life of the firewood. The older the tree, the denser the wood, and the longer the firewood can last.

In summary, when stored correctly, redgum firewood can last up to two years in a shed. However, the moisture content, temperature, humidity levels, and storage conditions can all affect the shelf life of the redgum firewood.

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