
Intimate Australian BBQ: Enjoy the Summer Amid Pandemic with Charcoal Melbourne Products

December 3, 2020

We're all attempting to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. Even if you are equipped with social distancing and protective masks, avoiding every single party — like that summer BBQ you go to consistently — can be a challenge. One of the most mainstream summer gatherings here in Australia is BBQ grilling. Such is a sumptuous gathering with cuts of meat like ribs, pork shoulder, hamburger brisket, entire chicken, and some more.

The question is, should you cancel?

Social distancing lessens close contact with individuals who are not family — regardless of whether you're in an outside space. There's no avoiding it: Mixing families during a pandemic accompanies hazards. In any case, in the event that you do choose to have a BBQ, it's essential to have an arrangement. Or then again, in case you're going to one, ensure the host is playing it safe.

Here are approaches to make an intimate Australian BBQ to enjoy the summer amid pandemic.

Limit Guests

Gathering will keep on accompanying dangers, however you can decrease that hazard by ensuring that both the quantity of visitors and the size of your patio are helpful for social distancing.

Keep Visitors In Your Lawn

A significant portion of setting up your patio BBQ is having all your visitors may require promptly accessible and open outside. You can gather in socially far off circles while blending, yet you'll need to have a different table for every family to guarantee social separating while at the same time eating. What's more, ensure your terrace is supplied with all the napkins and plastic dinnerware your visitors may require.

Ask Visitors To BYO Beverages And Sides

While the superstar — that scrumptious BBQ you're concocting — should be shared, you need to avoid sharing other food at whatever point possible. One simple approach to do this is to request that your visitors bring their own beverages and sides. It might likewise assist with having a couple of coolers loaded with ice previously set up for your visitors to store cold beverages and side dishes.

Additional Intimate BBQ Tips with Charcoal Melbourne Products

To further enjoy your intimate summer barbecue, you must ensure that safety precautionary measures are met. Here are some following safety tips that will make barbecuing more enjoyable while prioritising safety.

Conduct Regular Maintenance

Both grease and fat tend to accumulate and build-up on your grill whenever you use it for barbecuing. Without proper cleaning and maintenance, these two elements will just reside on your grill and can cause catastrophic flare-ups once you use your grill again.

Maintain Safety Distance

Barbecuing is mostly done in the backyard to ensure that the smoke will not trigger any alarms inside your home. However, your grill must be reasonably far away from some portions of your home like garages and porches to avoid any fire incidents. It must also not be used underneath wooden overhangs since some unwanted sparks could flare up the whole structure.

Summer barbecuing will be more fun if you maintain safety measures within your property. Alongside these safety measures, you must also choose quality charcoals so that your food can have a smoky yet tasty flavour on it. To buy quality charcoals, you can contact us at John Tiras. We are the premier seller of the best charcoal and firewood here in Melbourne.


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