
What to Do When Your Charcoal Gets Wet

August 23, 2017

It happens sometimes, even to the most seasoned BBQ chefs, charcoal can get wet when weather changes unexpectedly. For example, when preparing for a family BBQ party it is not uncommon that charcoal that is left outside gets rained on. Charcoal can even get wet when stored in a garage or shed, as moisture can seep into charcoal bags if not properly sealed or stored securely. What can you do when charcoal gets wet? That is a question many people have pondered, as the first thought is if the charcoal can be saved, or not?

There are different types of charcoal, and the quality or grade of the charcoal will determine if ‘any’ of it can be saved when it gets wet. The best thing that can be done is to pour the charcoal out of the bag onto a dry surface, separating the driest ones from the most drenched charcoal, and then place them outside on cement to dry in the sun all day. You will then flip the coals once they are dried on one side. Unfortunately, cheap charcoal will usually crumble when it gets wet, rendering it totally useless, as it will turn too powered as it dries.

However, higher quality charcoal can be dried-out and used, although, it will typically only be good for slow burning and will give off much more smoke as it burns. Mixing dried charcoal among new charcoal is a clever way to get the best use out of them next time you BBQ, without negatively affecting the food you are grilling. Unfortunately, when charcoal does get thoroughly wet, it is often best to just buy a new bag of good quality charcoal to replace it, rather than go through the hassle of trying to dry and use it.

Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes are Resistant to Water and Moisture

If you want to make sure that the charcoal you buy will be good when you need it, then consider purchasing high quality Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes, that’s because they are proven resistant to abrasions, crushing, impacts, and water penetration. The binders and the formulation process for making BBQ briquettes make them stronger than typical charcoals because the material is compressed, which makes them resistant to moisture and does not allow water to penetrate.

You can find top quality, chemical free Mallee Root charcoal, Mangrove charcoal, and Heat Beads BBQ Briquettes at Charcoal Melbourne - John Tiras Pty. Ltd. – wholesaler and retailer of premium charcoal, kindling / firewood, heat beads - firelighters, BBQ starter, and briquettes.

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