
What are Heat Beads BBQ Chimney Starters, and How Do They Work?

November 9, 2022

You've decided to treat yourself to a charcoal barbeque or smoker, have your meal all prepped, and now the only thing left to do is light the embers. It really shouldn't be too difficult, should it?

There are a lot of people who fall over right here before they even leave the gate. The uninformed pitmaster will frequently douse their coals in lighter fluid in the hopes of speeding up the process of lighting the coals. You should do your best to avoid getting that smoky, petroleum flavour in your cuisine! As a matter of good fortune, you won't have to resort to using chemical fire starters or lighter fluid because a charcoal chimney starter is both creative and easy to use.

Heat Beads BBQ Chimney Starters

A heat bead BBQ chimney starter is a metal cylinder, which often has a grate near the bottom and a succession of air vents up the chimney. Chimney starters are used to get fires started in chimneys. It is the most foolproof and user-friendly method for lighting charcoal and the most straightforward option. When you first use it, you won't believe how simple it is; after that, you won't want to use anything else.

How Does It Work?

It is possible to light briquettes or lump charcoal lying on top of the grate thanks to the chimney starter, which works by sucking air up from the bottom of the chimney. Within the next 15 minutes, you should be prepared to start cooking. A heat shield is on the same side as the handle, protecting you. They may be found in various forms and sizes, and consumers can purchase them at most general or outdoor stores.

Putting It to Use

The food you intend to prepare will determine which method of lighting charcoal with a chimney starter is most effective for you. Ensure you are equipped with heat-resistant gloves and shoes with closed toes before you begin. We want to warn you that there is a possibility that hot pieces of charcoal could fall out of the bottom of the chimney onto the patio, where you could step on them while barefoot or wearing flip-flops.

Flip the chimney so that the air vents are facing upwards if you are cooking anything low and slow using the Minion technique or one of its variations, such as the Donut or the Fuse. That will leave a sufficient amount of room for you to start up your smoker. You do not need a whole chimney to cook with if you utilise these methods since all that is required is to lay a small number of burning coals on top of a vast pile of unlit coals.

After that, you may place the entire assembly on top of a fire starter that does not include any petroleum products (we like the wooden ones) or simply some crumpled-up paper. You may even pull a portion of the bag apart and roll the pieces into a ball to get the most use out of your charcoal purchase.

Start using this smart tool on your next charcoal cooking.

Contact us now to get the best quality heat beads BBQ chimney starters!

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