
Ways to Lower Cancer Risk When Grilling with Good Quality Lump Charcoal

July 14, 2022

Grilling is often regarded as an integrated component of summer. During the warmer months, most Australians grill at least twice a month. Despite its popularity, it has been rumoured to be hazardous for your health. There is some truth to the rumour, unfortunately. Charcoal grilling has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. Even if you're allergic, you can still enjoy this summertime staple.

It is possible to lower your risk of cancer when grilling, thanks to a variety of measures. You may reduce your risk of cancer when grilling by following these tips.

Cut the Meat Into Smaller Pieces

Experts advise cutting meat into smaller parts to speed up cooking and reduce time spent in high-temperature environments. Lowering the meat's exposure to carcinogenic chemicals by cooking it at a lower temperature is one option.

Meats With a Lower Fat Content Are Preferable

Flammable and smoke-containing hydrocarbons are reduced when leaner meat is grilled with less fat. They claim that removing any visible fat from meat before cooking can help prevent flare-ups and charring. Take advantage of lean cuts of meat like skinless poultry, turkey, and beef and seafood like shrimp, scallops, and mussels.

Toss Them Often

Make a conscious effort to stop turning meat after it has been on the grill for a while. When grilling meat, experts recommend, that turning the meat over frequently reduces the formation of HCAs. If you flip the meat regularly, it will not have time to absorb or lose heat on either side.

Choose Natural Produce

Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables can help prevent cancer. Grilling vegetables does not result in the formation of HCAs or PAHs like it does with meat. You may jazz up your lunch by grilling corn on the cob or skewering tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini. To sweeten up a dish, try grilling some pineapple or peaches.

Reduce Red Meat Intake

People who consume an excessive amount of red meat such as that found in hamburger patties run the risk of developing cancer. Rather than deep-frying, try grilling skinless chicken breasts or fish. Do you insist on eating just red meat? You should only eat no more than three, six-ounce portions each week according to experts. It's the equivalent of two decks of cards' worth of food.

Preferably, Use a Marinate

As much as 96 per cent of the HCA in meat can be reduced by marinating it in vinegar and lemon juice, as well as herbs like mint, rosemary, tarragon, or sage It doesn't take much time to make a difference.

Try Pre-Cooking Your Food Before Grilling It

Experts recommend pre-cooking your meat in an oven, stove, or microwave before grilling. As a result, less time will be spent grilling. To avoid the growth of bacteria, cook the meat as soon as it has been preheated rather than letting it sit at room temperature.

Choose the Right Charcoal

Like thin pork chops or tiny veggies like string beans, asparagus or snap beans, you want a high-heat fire from hardwood for grilling these types of foods. Briquettes are your greatest friend when it comes to cooking a full chicken or a huge steak slowly and thoroughly. Even if you don't use charcoal, your meal will taste better and be healthier if you do.

Grilling can be less dangerous if you change what you cook and how you cook it. Learn more about our charcoal and brickets products by contacting us.

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