
Kindling and Red Gum Firewood: The Perfect Combination for Your Fireplace

June 23, 2017

Nothing says comfort like a roaring fireplace, and nothing equates more to genteel simplicity than a soft, mellow blaze on a hearth as one contemplates on sundry topics. And what better way to equip your fireplace than with high-quality, long-lasting fire wood!

Firewood may seem to be a thing of the past for many modern houses that now have centralised and automated heating options, but for the old-fashioned few, nothing beats propping one’s feet up atop a cushion fronting a fire, while reading a classic novel and sipping one’s favourite beverage. But not all firewood is the same, and while coal fire accomplishes the same purpose of heating a place up, it doesn’t quite deliver the same sort of aesthetic appeal.

The Perfect Combination for Your Fireplace is Kindling and Red Gum Firewood

One of the best firewood options available today is redgum. Redgum, also written out as ‘red gum’ or ‘river red gum’, is sourced from the heartwood of the Eucalyptus camaldulensis tree, and has long been employed as a fuel source and as timber in Australia. Noted for its strikingly light to deep reddish hue, it is also known for its density, heft, and excellent grain, as well as a distinctive warm and almost musky aroma that it exudes.

As firewood, redgum burns hotter for longer thanks to its dense and compact nature, and is excellent for stoking slow, gentle fires that are perfect for lounging about. Unlike lighter and softer woods which blaze brightly with very sizeable flames, but burn fairly quickly, redgum offers a slow, low, gentle burn that lasts longer. Unlike most wood used for cheap firewood, redgum burns hotter, and that allows you to use less material, and, you do not need to feed or stoke the fire as often to keep it going.

Best features of redgum firewood:

  • Burns hotter than other firewood
  • Maintains a steady burning bed of hot coals
  • Ideal for cooking and grilling
  • Produces smoke that is aromatic

Because of these features, you can easily maintain fires for heating homes and for cooking food when you use red gum fire wood with quality kindling from Charcoal Melbourne - John Tiras Pty. Ltd.

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