
Heat Beads Firelighters: Your Best Choice to Light an Open Fire Pit

April 28, 2022

Whether you are celebrating an occasion or just hosting an outdoor chill party with your friends and relatives, sitting around the open fire spit creates a cosy evening outdoor vibe that is perfect for the occasion. Open fire pits provide a warm feeling for everyone, especially on a chilly night. Open fire pits are not just about providing warmth, they can also be used as barbecue fire pits and more. With the fire pit already prepared and ready for chilling and grilling, the only thing you need to think about is what to use to easily light your open fire pit. Worry no more, for easier and no-hassle grilling, we recommend you try using heat beads firelighters. Here is why it is the best choice to light an open fire pit.

They Light Instantly

Lighting a fire before was very time-consuming. With the availability of heat bead firelighters, it is now easier to light your open pit and have a quickfire in just a matter of seconds because heat bead firelighters tend to light instantly.

Have Long BurningTime

Heat beads firelighters are the best choice to light an open fire pit because they have a long burnt time.Thus, it is very economical to use since they burn longer than charcoal fuels.

Low Odour

It is the best choice to light an open fire pit because using wood or charcoal will most likely leave an off odour that will have a big effect on the flavour of your food. That is why it is best to switch to heat beads firelighters to light your open fire pit because it does not smell.

Safe to Use

Heat beads firelighters are very safe to use. Heat beads firelighters, as opposed to other lighter fluids, do not flare up so you will not have to worry and may use them with ease because heat bead firelighters can ensure consistent heat throughout the grilling process.

With a Steady Temperature 

Heat beads firelighters are of the same equal size that is why they burn at the same time and gives your open fire pit a steady temperature. This means a lesser chance of burning your meat and prevents possible burn and injury.

Safe and Non-Toxic 

Heat beads firelighters do not leave behind any residue that can cause toxicity and make them unsafe to use for grilling.

To enjoy more of your party and chill by the open fire pit time with your family and friends, heat beads firelighters are the best choice to light your open fire pit. At John Tiras Pty Ltd, we have heat bead firelighters that are guaranteed high quality and come in convenient pop-out trays specially made for your ease of use. Our heat beads firelighters are ideal for use in open fires which makes them the best choice for you.

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