
Fuelling your Fireplace: Why Your Choice of Firewood Matters

August 27, 2018

For those who are in search of fuel for their fireplace, the choice of firewood matters, mainly because it will be burning indoors. There are things that should be considered when choosing firewood that will be used indoors, such as using wood that is long lasting, yet burns clean.

Your Choice of Firewood Matters When Fuelling Your Fireplace

Most people don’t consider that the type of firewood they will use to fuel their fireplace matters, but it does. There is a better way to choose good firewood rather than having to buy it to try it. You can find long lasting and clean burning firewood, without having to buy it first, just by understanding that not all firewood is of the same quality.

Because not all firewood you can buy is of the same quality, it also does not have the same characteristics when it burns. Most inexpensive soft firewood produces much smoke and does not burn long, or as consistently as hardwood does. A simple way to choose the best fuel for your fireplace is to always pick hardwood, which typically has a darker colour compared to softwood.

Compared to light colour softwood, hardwood burns longer, produces less smoke, and burns at a consistent temperature. Most inexpensive firewood sold today is softwood, which can be beneficial for campfires and outdoor use, but not recommended for indoor fireplaces. However, there is high quality, light coloured kindling that you can buy that does burn cleaner than not only softwoods, but also better than some lower grade dark wood.

If you are not comfortable with choosing the right kind of firewood for your home fireplace, not to worry, there is help available at John Tiras – a firewood wholesaler and retailer in Melbourne.

John Tiras Pty. Ltd. has the Right Firewood for Your Fireplace

Here at John Tiras Pty. Ltd., we have consistent and ready to use quality firewood and kindling to use in your home fireplace. Our Red Gum, dark firewood is ideal for use in fireplaces and for outdoor grilling food because it is clean burning, it is long lasting, and burns at a consistent temperature.

At John Tiras, we understand the needs of our customers. That is why we not only carry ready-to-use, chopped quality firewood and kindling, to make it easier for people to use, but we also sell charcoal, Heat Beads BBQ briquettes, and Heat Beads Firelighters too. Whether you need fuel for your fireplace, or some quality charcoal for a barbecue get together with friends, you can trust John Tiras to have what you need.

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